Monday, January 11, 2010

Extended Weekend

I really enjoyed my extended weekend, trust me I did!  It was nice to do some laundry.  I also spent time with my husband, my family, and his family.  By the end of Friday though I was definitely having a case of cabin fever.  I had only ventured out to go to the bank and drop of some eggs...but even in a 4-wheel drive truck it was pretty bad.  So by Saturday I was about to lose it.  It reminded me of my first year of teaching, in December of 2006, when it iced so bad that most schools were out for a whole entire week before Christmas.  They very well could have put me in a padded room after that.  When there's nowhere to go, you've done all the cleaning, laundry, and internet browsing there is to do...what's left.  I was starting to feel that way until an idea came to me...I did some research all day Thursday and Friday and I am feeling optimistic.  I've been wanting to have something on the side to make some extra cash for awhile, but was racking my brain on what I wanted to do.  All the while, what I am really good at was right under my nose!  I'll keep you updated when I have more info ;)  Other than that, it's back to the grind this week...I'll probably be exhausted by Friday but oh well.

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